Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tonatiuh iquizayan, Sun comes out,

Picture that is called 'sunrise' in English.
Foto del Legada del sol in Spanish.

Tonatiuh iquizayan in Nahuatl, 'place where sun comes out' in literal English.

The camera was pointed toward the rising sun from my home on the edge of a decline into the valley of the Rio Laja. By pointing the camera away from the sun I captured a picture of the valley below.

This second picture is to the west in English,

to the 'poniente' in Spanish,

and 'Tonatiuh icalaquian' in Nahuatl, 'place where the sun goes in' in literal English.

This is an interesting pair of pictures in Nahuatl as they are described exactly in the native language. There are alternate dictionary translations of the English words East and West but I provide these more pictorial translations.

This is the beginning of an interesting day where the calendar keepers predict that there will be a total eclipse of the moon soon after it rises tonight in the East. This sort of prediction has been used to claim that they possess magical powers. I do not claim magical power but I do claim that the understanding of differing languages is improved when I can be somewhat intuitive in using a camera for producing instructive pictures.

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San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico, Mexico
I am a retired Physical Scientist returning to my early interests in Social Science. I now live in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico; and another home in Rosarito Beach, Mexico; and other homes of friends in San Diego, Ca.